How To: Adjust the brightness on your Android phone

How To: Adjust the brightness on your Android phone
Some people like their screens to be dim while others like theirs to be bright. Some like brightness to automatically adjust, while others like a constant level. One of the salient advantages of a Google Android smartphone over, say, an Apple iPhone, is the inherent extendibility of the open-source Android mobile OS. There are a seemingly infinite number of settings to tweak and advanced features to discover and use. This free video tutorial will show you how to adjust the brightness of the display on your Android device. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.

The beta firmware for OnePlus devices lets you record calls from the stock Oxygen OS dialer, but this feature is never included in official updates. This is likely due to legal issues with recording calls in some jurisdictions, but thankfully, there's a way to get this feature without having to run beta software.
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Step 4: Turn off toggle on top of the screen to disable all notifications on your galaxy Note 9. Here you can see below given lock screen notification settings on your Samsung galaxy Note 9 Oreo 8.1 devices. Hide content. Enable/disable content you want to hide from lock screen and always on display on Galaxy Note 9. Notification icon only
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When you think of high quality music, your phone isn't the first thing to pop into your mind, even though 68% of US smartphone owners stream music on a daily basis. Most of us tolerate the audio quality from our devices simply because music is something we can't live without — but we shouldn't have to put up with poor quality, and as it turns out, we don't.
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Today, we take a quick look at how you could turn your old or spare android phone or android tablet into an IP webcam/network security camera. What You Need to Turn Your Android Phone & Tablet into a Security Camera • One Android phone or tablet with camera • Charging cables • Security camera apps for android
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A while back, Facebook released a killer feature called "Chat Heads" to its Facebook Messenger app. Messages from users would "pop up" in small bubbles that floated on the screen that could be seen, accessed, and moved around from within most apps.
Get Facebook's Chat Heads in Chrome with - CNET

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Make your own PDA stylus pen. How to make your own Palm, or other PDA stylus ( pen) Celebrity Buzz. See All. E! News. Wendy Williams' tell-all interview turned down. GMA - AOL Content.
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If you have ever wanted to mod your Android device, your new best friend is easily going to be Team Win's TWRP custom recovery. This gives you access to file flashing on the fly, which can include such things as Magisk for root access, or even a custom ROM to replace the stock firmware that came with the device.
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